Monday, February 1, 2010

Xbox Live Gold Serial Xbox Gold Trial Help?

Xbox gold trial help? - xbox live gold serial

I've got my xbox yesterday and I know you get a free Xbox Gold account. I have a gametag on the Xbox, but do not ask me for my journey of 30 days. I do not have Xbox games on my Xbox 360 and the table for the serial code from my 360 or my book live use. PLZ HELP!


CRA2Y said...

If you have your gamertag on the site, could receive up to 1 month free trial of gold, I recommend you a new gamertag on the console itself today and continue to say that they want only money, but then at the very end, that says you are entitled to a free trial version of Xbox Live Gold 1 months, and have it ready for online games

So to summarize it, got exactly the trial of gold, if you're thinking, 360
Gamertag on Xbox 360 is not the Xbox if Microsoft were just people continue to pass through to do what with each month the site and look not rigorously test a single console price free version I think I can do with 3 to 4 times in a 360 new with a gamertag, then give you the opportunity if it has already been used

Happy gaming!

skellysk... said...

U Gotta Make It on Xbox go into the account and follow the instructions until he says the say in the use of money and what you want to use a free month? U Got to say "yes" and 1 month free gold (by the way, you get 3 months free)

spy_opti... said...

They have a cash account? to say that the money account, "he said, until after a trial 1 month Xbox Live Gold is qualified"

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