Monday, January 11, 2010

Calories In A Raisin Bagel How Many Calories Are There In A Mcdonald Happy Meal.. Cheeseburger French Fries And A Diet Coke?

How many calories are there in a mcdonald happy meal.. cheeseburger french fries and a diet coke? - calories in a raisin bagel

.. well


Wifey, Mommy, and Step Mommy! said...

530 calories
210 calories from fat
24 grams fat

It is better to be a Diet Coke, because when you have a regular Coca-Cola would be, while the total of 640 calories.

And anyone can tomato sauce is 15 calories.

Melissa said...

I hope I do not think that Coca-Cola, it is healthier. There are no calories in Diet Coke, but the burgers and fries have a ton. Not only the number of calories you need to worry .. It is also fat (especially saturated fat).

Brian B said...

530 calories of joy.

Sam said...

A large part of many, if not to see calories is not lost ..

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