Wednesday, January 6, 2010

History Of Phentermine Phentermine?

Phentermine? - history of phentermine

OK, I heard it ... Its use is very expensive and I (A 14 (almost 15)) year old girl? I have no history of heart disease or not Probz .......... THNX

PS commentz Plz do not say that I diet and exercise ... I've heard, B4 and powerful exercises and 1 hours a day and dieting does not work, itz 4, but I am very bad, I sit w / a doghnutz field all day: P

thnx again


Cyclebum said...

I do not think a legitimate document, a "diet" drugs. All these factors can have side effects.

Eat less and exercise more.

Weight control is best achieved with a change of lifestyle. It
requires adequate nutrition, exercise, calorie, motivation,
and discipline. Discover the links. The information will give you good
the rest of his life.

If education is not a separate bag, or join Weight Watchers
something like that. They will teach you and have the support group.

Good luck. ... ... ...

Above & Beyond said...

You should talk to your doctor about it, but I doubt that you b / c of his age.

Above & Beyond said...

You should talk to your doctor about it, but I doubt that you b / c of his age.

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