Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hospice Marketing Ideas Nurses, Can You Honestly Say That Every Doctor You've Ever Worked With Likes You?

Nurses, can you honestly say that every doctor you've ever worked with likes you? - hospice marketing ideas

We respect the work that you or your ability to breastfeed, that is, but every single doctor who has worked as a. The reason I ask is that the RNC went managing a newly created residence, I was in the marketing of our new owners, a couple of days and in the process of making the visits, which I mentioned a few doctors in our city, before all eyes to me in the past. Now I know it's their job, all sugar and sweets, and basically kiss *** get called to us. The next day my sister called me to do business, if you have a problem with my work in this area. I asked the same question, just wanted to listen to the other.


kathy_is... said...

A nurse ... Above all, well ... Never have doctors as she (he) ... especially those with big egos (which, admittedly, a group of them) and those in the "old school" where nurses nothing more than their daughters. Because a good nurse, not blindly anything that says a doctor who accepts or not is an advocate for patients and often knows more about the patient and the physician. So, as you say, it is possible that respect for your work, but not necessarily like you.

none said...

I am not a doctor, but also hatred and nurses.

cuto said...

thats superiorty complex

adobepri... said...

I'm not a nurse, but I've been working with the documentation and some of them are winey babies who only want to be treated. Even if a nurse to serve all their needs, as they are. When the nurse made a mistake by the orders of doctors and medical negletta to read it before they are adopted by the charge nurse to make. It's really ugly. They are a group of Moody and babies who are sick and appreciate not only the nurses. I repeat that I am not a nurse, but worked in a hospital and the doctor saw the baby in action. This does not mean that the care, babies that is, they are children. Nurses rock. They work hard and have more compassion than most people.

It's really hard to kiss *** of a man who uses you as their personal punching bag, I suppose. I am nice and I can not. As revised nurse.

sunilkollam k said...

IAM is not a nursing student

DJFresh said...

Reading for many there? YES.

Gaylord Focker is a nurse and doctors do not like it, but that did not stop him from his job and working conditions for the patients.

Baby said...

No, I hate and I hate them!

Texas Cowboy said...

I think you attract trouble.
Do supervisors.
They are there for them to be useful.
*** There is no kissing, which makes her work.

happydaw... said...

I am a nurse in a hospital and working with the oncology and palliative care, and is a true story.
One of the doctors I work with is an idiot. I think it's a cultural issue, because he came from Pakistan and could be crazy, but I think that view women as property and less intelligent.
I see him as incompetent, and if my patient is not outside refferred him forever. He refused to refer to points of death and palliative care. Why, because if they stop treatment, your money in your pocket. For them it is always the treatment of these issues 80 years, who have no chance to recover himself, because for thousands of dollars to them. He told a patient the other day that it take longer if you are looking for an opinion and 2 and not notice the 2nd to you. Not effective to treat pain and the use of Demerol points with terminal cancer, a total mess, if you know something about pain management to give you a PT 4 mg then 25 mg Demerol Dilaudid major breakthrough pain. If I had the choice, I would neverrefferral him, and have difficulty being good plan for your treatment, by his pts. I assert and maintain a clue if it's just a complete idiot. We came to a RIF, and I scolded him and told some of my colleagues that I "hit". Anyone know other doctors that he is incompetent, but it seems that nothing we can do about it. I despise him and will probably feel the same about me. They just tolerate each other. I have 13 years of cancer pts. Whey, which is keeping the medical staff, myself and 15 other sisters. I'm only nice to you, professional courtesy. If we refferrals for cancer treatments, I can do anything to avoid me, the refferral. He told his wife outside the points and is hard for them. He refuses to treat his pain, because he can. He refuses to consult with 2 points of view. Sort of the same fluid IV for pt walks in the door, no matter what .... 0.9NS to 80, even if it is not appropriate. Only orders percocet for pain in the terminal, where a few hours PTMorphine would be more appropriate, and if a woman made a suggestion RN for something, never forget, because you are a woman. I like this man and found him incompetent. This is not personal, just to see his stand-points.

nurseK said...

Happydawg, you need to do something about the doctor. You know what you are doing is wrong. Are they not as a defender of nurses to patients? Let your patients die from abuse. Do not you know that means the patient the wrong medication, negligence, and that could also be sued?

I know it's hard to be a nurse, juggling a thousand orders, running in hallways, doctors treating neurotic, to reassure patients and their families .. But that's why we're here! It takes passion and dedication in order to be in this business. Many people underestimate, but we have to prove them wrong:)

As for doctors and their colleagues, they need help too strict. You should contact your doctor. You can not go to take them.

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