Friday, February 12, 2010

Dog Carrier For Runners My Dog Hates Men!?

My dog hates men!? - dog carrier for runners

I rescued a dog - I had when I lived abroad. He was tied to a tree with another dog a few weeks. When I arrived, it was learned above all fear, but after a few weeks, trust me, but it is always very careful men.If a man enters the house to monitor the house breaking and snapping at his heels - off the same, especially if a driver goes by.She is also very nervous - she can change his skin, whether a lost bag in a park on day.If wind in the yard and someone you go through it to the cortex (away You can not see how the wall is too high, but they recognize that they are especially if you have a dog with you) When the doorbell like crazy barking when the window cleaner crust next rounds like a madman, but it is certainly worse than for men than women, which I think I was a man.Is What can I do to prevent it from biting the heels of beating my visitors and passers-by


Boomer said...

I had the same problem with my dog that I adopted all afraid of things that happen! I was so afraid of cars and everything was moving downward. Every time you pass a car, I kneel and PET and say it was OK., Make him feel comfortable. Moreover, if they are not at home leave the radio. As for his own with men, my other dog, a bullmastiff hate blonde women. His madness and can not be really close, because they attacked! Your dog does not seem too aggressive, so that when a man closer to taking a leadership role and to hold men and have to sit and walk on. Try it out until a little more comfort. Best of luck. :-) Thanks for the adoption of

btdt said...

Beware of men, they had little contact with people like a puppy have had. Have you rang all your friends and acquaintances of the men, one after the other. They act very happy not to see - a court. Then ask each of them give much pleasure.

The general lack of confidence, feels responsible for the building of a world full of terror to protect. Try reducing packing: this field in order to protect them. Or take out insurance (man, in this case, your company) to take hold and the function of protecting the house.

Stacey I said...

Maybe it was my husband is rescued from abuse. Socialize your care with men who need a "calm energy."
How to bite, resolve the problem, if it happens, the dogs, only about 3 seconds long remember. Find a dog training class, if possible.
You can make a dog up to a year to settle in their new home.

shirley v said...

I rescued a dog that does not like the men who ask me why it is prehaps one infringed in the past

Pyewacke... said...

God bless you for rescuing!
There are some good things there - you just add the spookiness Rescue Remedy!

jellybea... said...

You must get used to his men, but first a form and then, when men are in line with clear

triphaza... said...

I really (sorry for me - I had a rescue dog which was also very nervous of men - the day she took some of my husband for fear of rescue minor in history ..). He jumped at every sound - we have the name of terror!

It took time and patience, but it Come Around. The first is to concentrate on getting full confidence in you and work hard in training - if you are fully accepted as a leader of the group, you have your key - so the more relaxed and confident that apear (also within May you fear that) their reaction, the more they learn to be silent.

If you have an understanding of male friends, ask them to come in your time as you have the slightest idea. You do not have eye contact with her, But does not appear Silent Whisper - Sit Down Threat then, and both need to ignore it until it has calmed down. When he was silent, sitting, or (even better, below) was quick to praise a stroke or a treat. This work.

It can be months or even longer before it fully restored their confidence - but worth it. I had my beloved spook for 15 years, until changed in November last year, and although the first two years were "interesting" - I would not have the time with her something. Good luck.

moyer566 said...

There must be trust. You can take some time to find his confidence in people again. And as you said, it seems as if a man is guilty.
If you keep up with her and the society, with its concentrated leachate. When she starts to bark, he explained that the excessive barking is not acceptable, ditto with the PIN. A small correction for the way they formed their

There are also websites.

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