Saturday, February 20, 2010

Herpes Hsv Forehead I Have HSV Type 1 And The Tingling Feeling Won't Go Can I Get Rid Of It?

I have HSV Type 1 and the tingling feeling won't go can I get rid of it? - herpes hsv forehead

I was a wrestler in high school and herpes gladitorium on my forehead. Recently I had a recurrance because of a bad sunburn on his forehead and after a recurrance of the tingling has not gone away. It feels like a constant "Bubbly" sensation on my forehead and it makes me crazy.

What can I do to get rid of this feeling?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get Zovirax cream, and on your forehead. In addition, Famvir can be taken orally to relieve your symptoms. Hope this helps.

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