Monday, February 15, 2010

How Often Do You Have To Get A Brazilian How Do I Avoid A Fight?

How do I avoid a fight? - how often do you have to get a brazilian

I live in a city that has two different high schools compete to have a long history of hatred, and unfortunately I have to go to school every day in the past, other senior home. I often find myself in a very bad situation in which the only possible outcome of a great battle. What the children of another school does not know is that I do Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu. I know I could beat easily, but I feel better. Can you give me some tips on how to avoid trouble?


John said...

Try to avoid the area or walking on the opposite side of the road are two ways to avoid problems. Do not listen to their jokes and you can push something you regret and do not stop but continued on his way. There may well be able to take make the most of them, one by one, but it seems not to see a friend down and not jump on you immediately. Certainly not entitled to receive from you and encourage martial arts and could only worsen the situation. At the same time it is not, you should take a beating from one of them. You can also only mentioned that you see some police patrols in this area and is there a point to close at times in the days before theSome wind. So, if they participate, not after reaching a situation that is not just their word against half a dozen.

I had a fairly large number of students experienced a similar situation in his bus. It would do was a brutal, in particular, without ever really bats approached him directly, he hinted, if you could live there. My students and ignored for a while, everything goes, but eventually the attacker was hitting a younger, smaller boy on the bus when my student intervened and began grooming himself. Everyone was happy and gay, but his situation is different, because they are a school of the opposition, and there is a large amount of testosterone at work here. All efforts to avoid errors and problems with them. It will not last forever and beyondAs of now some of them to friends or work colleagues and everyone wondered what some of them were or. Obviously, they have matured and are more and sooner than they have.

Paddy said...

If you are constantly insulted all of them with everything they say, and finally agreed, you know, B / C never hurt you.

But certainly not to fight, because if they lose, they will all your friends and go as 20, around, and you have no time for shit cuz the greatest man of your friends will probably receive in the fight

M S said...

Tell them that you are not affiliated with a gang, and "Hey, what should I do, I must go to somewhere in the Law School ... it's not gangs." If they have to fight to the pins on the floor, without (ie damage to move their way, but) after catching his fall at the last second, and instead, the following areas, namely "that's enough. .. Let I go to school and leave me alone, that's stupid, I'm not even a band that has the wrong type.

Shihan J said...

Simply say, they go home and do not want any problems,

Enjoy this holiday route, sparing more.

that's weird going to school in general, send to the nearest school, if possible, move it. then you're one of them.

tre_494 said...

Such situations can dangerous.It depends on how you are.In areas such as Baltimore man to kill. Beating a / and the next is planned with something that you.So kill, there is always a bad outcome could be armed. You cyber school and at home to stay.

gannoway said...

People will say, to speak, but it will not work. No children in school understand the meaning to flee or not to fight with honor. Just to show who's the boss once and leave you alone.

Spencer S said...

It depends on where you live. If a place like Baltimore, can kill. but if its extension, a small town is on foot. when it hits you, then have the right to defend itself.

In The Still of The Night said...

to avoid a wrestling match to avoid them!

In other words, all fighting to suffer it! Your school can swim in a pool of blood on your opponent! and who can win the championship water polo to state in this group of blood!

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